Summer Tennis Camp in Finland
Valkov Tennis Academy organize for 2nd year Summer Tennis Camp in Finland for 3 weeks. Kids are coming with any of their parents. The tennis camp take a place in a very beautiful place, close to a lake with artificial tennis court. The program including 5 hours of tennis and fitness. A lot of fun, games, tournament for kids and adults, visiting interesting places in Finland. For more information please contact Vasil ValkovRead More →
5th Pasxa Tennis Camp
Valkov Tennis Academy organize for 5th time Pasxa Tennis Camp 2 weeks during Easter holidays. The program will be very dynamic, interesting including different drills for all fundamental strokes in tennis. Our program will include:warming up-general physical training , stroke of the day, theory, games and matches. Please contact our academy phone number or e-mail address.Read More →
1st International Tournament G3
Valkov Tennis Academy cooperation with Cyprus Tennis Federation organize 1st International Tournament G3 from 12 to 18 years old. The tournament will take a place in our Tennis Academy. We are expecting players from many different countries. For registration please contact us.Read More →